Student influence and representation

The students at our university have the right to influence everything that may effect us. Therefore students are part of all decision making boards, councils and groups at the university and we also meet the municipality on a regular basis. If you are interested in student politics and educational issues there are plenty of things you can do. You can become a course representative for your course, or you can candidate to some of the councils or boards at your faculty. Get in touch with your studentombud for more information.

University Boards, Councils and bodies

The Union represents the students in all committees, groups and bodies of Malmö University. The student perspective is extremely important to the university and serves as a tool to improve education quality. The Union appoints representatives to these committees through five different meetings, called Student Influence FORUM. Find out more about FORUM for Student Influence.

The Union’s Committees

Parts of the Student Unions work in the faculties are conducted via the student committees. Each faculty has its own student committee consisting of dedicated students and the faculty’s student representative. You meet and raise questions concerning your faculty. All students are welcome; contact your studentombud for more info.

  • Committee for education monitoring 
  • Committee for student engagement 
  • Committee for students health and well-being
  • Committee for business sector connection and career transition
  • Event committee  

Influence through the Union Council (FUM)

Would you rather decide what the Union should work with? Then you should be a member of the Student Union Council (FUM). The Student Union Malmö is governed by a council, which is elected by students. The Council – or FUM – is the Union’s highest decision-making body and is responsible for all decisions and all activities within the Union. FUM consists of 29 members. 19 of them are elected by students in the Union election every spring, and another 10 are elected at five meetings called Student Influence FORUM in the beginning of the autumn semester. FUM meets 5-6 times a year, and every meeting is two hours long. As a member you can bring up and influence any topic you want. You can also do as much work as you want outside of the meetings, but this is in no way expected of you. The FUM meetings are open to all students at MAU.

At your program or course

Perhaps the most important part of student influence at Malmö University is the students’ right to influence their own education. On all programs and courses there are course and program representatives. As a representative you forward your classmates’ opinions and attend meetings that affect your education. Contact your studentombud for more information about how you can become the representative at your course or program.


A section is something you and your fellow students at your program can start. It aims to improve the students’ education as well as arrange social activities and other activities that promote students’ studies and career opportunities.
Read more on the sections page.

Your Local Student Council

What is a local student council? The student union organizes local student councils at your particular faculty. These meetings can take various forms, e.g. workshops, presentations, discussions, etc.

The purpose is to give a plattform to all students at the faculty to voice opinions and ideas regarding your education and how you want to improve your faculty and institution. You also get the chance to meet with students at your faculty. The main idea with these discussions is that these will be used as a foundation for the work towards the university with your education. We can discuss everything from course evaluations, student’s rights and obligations, the work environment, etc. This is a great opportunity to get your voice heard and to make a difference to your education and student life here at Malmö University. So come here to meet, discuss and socialize with other students from your faculty and of course take part of the fika we offer. 

Working at the Student Union

In fact, there is also the possibility to have a full-time assignment at the Union. The Union has a President and a Vice-President who are paid full-time and have taken a break from their studies to work at the Union for a year. To have the opportunity to get one of the positions, you must first run in the Union Election and become one of 19 candidates elected to the FUM and then apply for the position you want. A full-time job at the Union is demanding, but also incredibly fun and fulfilling. You will attend many meetings, meet many students and learn everything about Malmö University. Talk to our board if you want to know more about working at the Student Union.