The Student Union Malmö is an organization run by and for students at Malmö University. Consisting of committed and dedicated students, the union works voluntarily to improve and enrich student life on campus. By providing a platform for the student voice, acting as a link between students and the university, and organizing various activities and events, the Student Union Malmö strives to create an inclusive and supportive environment. Their efforts are based on a genuine desire to help their fellow students and promote a positive and rewarding study time for all.

The Council

The organization of the Student Union Malmö.

The Student Union Malmö is steered by a Council that can be described as the Union’s parliament. The Council (FUM) is the Union’s highest decision-making body where overall decisions are made that affect the entire Union. FUM is appointed in the Union Election where you as a member of the Union can candidate and all students at Malmö University can vote. The Union’s four faculties are represented here (Health and Society, Learning and Society, Culture and Society and Technology and Society), a total of 19 people who are elected in the Union Election. In addition, ten people are elected via FORUM, one for each faculty. This is to ensure that all faculties are represented. The Council meets three to four times per semester and the meetings are always on Wednesday afternoon, starting at 16:00 and lasting two to three hours.

The Board

If the Council is the Parliament of the Union, the Board is the Government. At the first council meeting, the so-called constituent council, FUM chooses who will sit on the board. You cannot vote for who will be on the Board in the Union Election, but you vote for who will be on the Council. The board consists of nine people (two remunerated and seven volunteers), meets about twice a month, and ensures that the decisions of the council become reality.

Presidium and Board members

The Presidium, which consists of a President and a Vice-President, leads the meetings of the Board, prepares cases for decision and represents the members of the Union to the media and the outside world. To hold a full-time position on the Board, you must take a study break.

Four board members have an important responsibility towards the four faculties that the Union represents. They are an integral part of the Union and will play an important role and be a crucial link between the management of the faculty and the staff student representatives. Unlike the Presidium, these members are studying on the side, but are remunerated for attending certain specific meetings.

The other three members are responsible for supporting the Bureau and the committees with various tasks. They also have specific responsibilities assigned by the Board. These responsibilities include supporting student social activities and recruiting student representatives, as well as organizing ‘Get Involved’.

The Office

The Union also has a full-time staff and acts as the Union’s permanent staff. These people are not elected in the Union elections but are employed by the Board. The office ensures that the daily work of the Union runs smoothly and handles practical tasks such as communication, finances, organizational tasks, student questions and so on.