Vi på Kåren arbetar hårt för att göra studentlivet i Malmö rikare!  Vi vet hur viktigt det är att trivas för att lyckas med sina studier och vill att det ska finnas många olika aktiviteter för dig som är student.

We at the Union are working hard to make the student life in Malmö richer and better every day! We know how important it is to be happy with your studies and also have enough fun activities surrounding you. Below you can find some of our reoccurring events.

The best way to be updated on our event is to follow our channels Facebook, Instagram , Twitter and Canvas. You can also check out our calendar here on the website.

Does anything sound like something that you want to get involved in? Email and we will get back to you with further information.

Below we list our most common activities.

*At the moment we do not serve soup lunch, student breakfast or organize the Music Pub due to the fact that we are housed in temporary locations. We are looking at other solutions to make something work or other activities. Stay tuned in our channels!

Coffee with the Union

Coffee with Kåren is organized once a month at each faculty. Then the Student Union will come out to your faculty to meet you students. Your student ombud is there and you have the chance to tell us what you think needs to be improved at the university. The event may look a little different from month to month. Sometimes we have a special theme that we focus on, maybe we ask you to answer questions in a survey, sometimes we have some interesting company with us, and we always give members of the Union free coffee!

Student Breakfast*

That breakfast is the most important meal of the day is well known, but as a student it is not always possible to afford a big breakfast. Especially not the days before CSN when the wallet is as empty as the refrigerator.

To help cure stomachs who are rumbling over the lecturers the Union serves Student breakfast every Tuesday before CSN is paid out! For only 20 SEK, you as a member can enjoy a breakfast buffet with classic content such as sandwiches, cold cuts, yoghurt, muesli, eggs, juice and of course smoky fresh coffee! In addition, we have waffle buffet with accessories.


  • Only for union members, but of course you can sign up for membership on site!
  • Only cash or swish payment!

Soup Lunch*

As a student it is not often that you have money left over to treat yourself to a lunch out, so every Wednesday the Union organizes a Soup Lunch in the Kølsvinet which you are guaranteed to afford!
For only SEK 15 you as a member of the Student Union Malmö get vegetarian soup incl. bread and coffee.

Music Pub*

Together with the Festmesteriet we offer a wonderful pub night where we invite local bands and artists who entertain us with live music! Bring your friends, students and non-students, and discover new music in an environment where the bar has student-friendly prices and everyone is welcome.

If you’re not a member of the Union you can sign up on a list in the entrance.