The Union Award is awarded annually at the end of the spring semester to members of the Student Union Malmö at Malmö University. It consists of a total of 10,000 SEK divided into two scholarships for efforts from individual students of 2,500 SEK each, and a group scholarship of 5,000 SEK for groups of students who have carried out a joint promotional work. Each recipient of the student union award also receives a signed diploma with the reason why they won.
The award is intended to reward those students who have gone beyond their studies to contribute to the betterment of students at Malmö University, and may be used as the winners see fit. If a prize is awarded to a group of students, they are responsible for distributing or using the prize money as they see fit within the group. In connection with the selection of the winners, an award ceremony is held where speeches and thanks are given to committed members.
Requirements for winning:
All students at Malmö University can nominate for the Student Union Malmö’s Union Award. The person who gets nominated must be a member of the Student Union Malmö and in some way, in addition to their studies, have engaged and contributed to an improvement for students at Malmö University.
How to nominate:
Email the first and last name and email address to of the person you want to nominate and the nominator, as well as the education and faculty affiliation of both parties. Also write a 200-400 word text describing why the person is being nominated and why they deserve to win the Union Award.
Make sure that the nominated person wants to be nominated and is a member of the Student Union. An acceptance is also required to win. The last nomination day and deadline for completing the nomination is Friday April 26 at 17:00 2024.
Criteria that the jury looks at:
❏ Has the students engagement lead to short- or long term improvements for a group of students at Malmö University? Further merit should be given to the student if the engagement has lead to short- or long term improvements for the entire student population.
❏ Has the student been engaged within educational politics either within Malmö University or at a national level? Examples on educational political engagement is being a student representative in the Educational Committee at one’s faculty, in the program council or within a committee on the national level, for example through SFS.
❏ Has the student been engaged within study social activities within or outside of Malmö University and the Student Union Malmö? Examples of study social engagement is voluntary work within the Student Union Malmö’s study social activities, engagement during the introduction weeks, extraordinary work within the Student Union Malmö’s associations or sections or being a mentor through Näktergalen.❏ Has the student been engaged outside of the university- or Union world? Merit should be given to students that through their engagement outside of academic boundaries influenced students in Malmö and Malmö Student city positively.
Important dates
April 1-26: Nominate students for the Union Award.
May 25: A union ceremony is held and the winners are announced.