Introduction Weeks & Insparken

At Malmö University, there are three introduction weeks: Tjuvkik, the International Introduction Week, and our very own Insparken.


Festmesteriet, who is one of the Student Union’s associations, hosts an awesome introduction in the fall semester for all new students at Malmö University. This to give every new student a chance to meet new friends, and get to know Malmö a little bit better. Insparken is for everyone, completely voluntary and without demeaning episodes.

As a new student, this can be the first great opportunity to get to know new people! To take part of the fun and relaxed activities usually works great as an icebreaker. Insparken is for new students only and is entirely planned and executed by experienced students of Malmö University.

During the Insparken you will be sorted into teams according to your faculty and then compete but also party/socialize with the students of the whole university during these two eventful weeks in August/September. The activities are led by the fadders and captains of your team and they can answer all the questions you can think of about the Student Union, university life, Insparken and Malmö.

To keep you updated on what’s happening during Insparken, we suggest that you go to The official Inspark website and/or follow Festmesteriet Facebook page.

It is also good to join Insparken’s official Facebook group.

Furthermore there is a booklet with all the information you might need as a new student (a fresher) at Malmö University. You can download it below. Here you can also find the schedule in detail.

Schedule for Insparken 2022


At this day you’ll have the chance to get your dear ovve, a t-shirt in your team’s color and pick up your nolle-bracelet that you will wear throughout the whole inspark. You can also buy your first ovve-patch at a special price! You also get to meet some in our fantastic team, so come and hang out, ask questions and socialize, woho!
Place: Studentpuben/Kölis*

Remember: to be able to purchase an ovve, union membership is required!


Get to know your team, your faculty and your new friends! Join in on the fun games and create history through nolle- dances and team shants that will later be used throughout the inspark.
TeamBuilding place: See our social medias/digital calendar!**
Turnering place: Ribergsborgs Hundrastplats**

Attire: Ovve


It’s time! The Big Game Day is here and it means rounders, tug of war, life-size ludo and much more. Victory gives points to your team, so bring out your running shoes, put an extra belt in the ovve and fill your water bottle. May the best nolla win!
Place: Ribergsborgs Hundrastplats** 17:30(..)

Attire: Ovve
Bring tip: Mosquito repellent


Meet associations under the Student Union Malmö! Expand your social network, mingle with like-minded people, or why not join an association already at the fair? There’ll be something for everyone! At 21:00 we’ll get a visit in Arrsalen, when the comedians will present to us a show we will never forget! After that, the pub is open until midnight for further mingling.

Place: Studentpuben* 19:00(..) Attire: Ovve


Finally! Walk with your team through Malmö and collect lots of points through missions and challenges. Compete against the other teams through team calls and nolle-dances, and acquire the special city-walk-patch. After the march the Studen pub will open up for dance!
Place: Johanneskyrkan** 17.30(..)

Attire: Ovve, comfortable shoes


Party with all the faculties – the masquerade is here! Each team is assigned a secret theme and the best disguise wins a great prize. Mingle, dance and have fun!
Plats: Studentpuben* 22:00(..)
Attire: Theme accordingly- presented in your faculty facebook group


Play games, mingle, talk, compete in quizzes with great prizes, sing karaoke and just enjoy a wonderful evening in the student pub!
Place: Studentpuben* 18:00(..)
Attire: Ovve



Time to bring out the nice shoes! We are welcomed into Vinkällaren where we’ll be served dinner and a drink. After the sittning, the nolla is officially an etta and we toast this with a grandiose after party at PrivĂ©!
Place: Vinkällaren* 17:00(..)
Attire: Dark Suit

Remember: A ticket to the sittning is required! The after party is open to anyone with a insparks-bracelet, subject to availability.


A day of adventure! Us in the management do not yet know what the dear captains have planned for their now ettor. Info will come out in the facebook groups as the day gets closer!
Place: ?**
Attire: Ovve


The popular soap day is here! Collect points for your team by e.g. win the grand soap football cup! Other stations will also be on site for scoring points. Take the chance to wash your ovve for the first time (see info on page 7 in the nolleguide), or why not acquire the magnificent soap-patch? Anyway, it’s a day you will never forget!
Place: Ribergsborgs Hundrastplats** 17:30(..)

Attire: Ovve
Bring tip: Mosquito repellent, extra socks


The day has come… the fun, wonderful, tough, and intense 24H race is finally here! Can you survive 24 hours with 24 challenges, 0 hours of sleep and 0 mg caffeine? We shall see! The survivors get the infamous 24H Survivor patch to decorate their ovve with.

NOTE! You do not have to be there 24H in a row to be able to collect awesome points to your team! At the end of this race, the winners of the entire inspark are presented, so make sure not to miss it!
Place: Kölsvinet (two doors to the right of Studentpuben)** 10:00(..) – 10:00(..)(+1)
Attire: Ovve

* We are at the Student Pub, no own food or drink may be brought in.
** We are at Ribersborgsstranden or another place outdoors, bring your own food and drink

International introduction week

The International Introduction Week is a moment organised by the University’s International Office and the Union association ESN Malmö (Erasmus Student Network). For more information, go to ESN Malmö’s Facebook.

Do you want to be a buddy or a volunteer and help out with executing the introduction week? Contact ESN Malmö:
E-post |
Webb |
Facebook | Esn Malmö

NOTE: all international and exchange students are of course also welcome at and encouraged to attend Insparken.


Tjuvkik, or “sneek peek”, are information moments organized by Malmö University for new students.
See more info at