In mid-April, we went out to the faculties to meet you students, get you some delicious croissants and endless cups of coffee and, above all, hear your thoughts on the current economic situation.

As usually we bring some questions to the faculties that we are curious to get answers to. Without you students, the Union is nothing and therefore it is extra important to get input from you as much as we can! We want to thank you for all your answers and participation.

Coffee with the Corps YES and NO question this time was: Are you able to save money every month? This is how you responded: 64 percent answered YES and can save money, while 36% answered NO that you cannot afford to save.

The open question was: How does the financial situation affect your studies?

Many of you answered that you need extra work to make it financially, which also affects your studies. You also feel stressed by the situation, which leads to poorer well-being.

Many things have become more expensive and you need to budget, plan and prioritize things. For some, this means that you have to give up fun things, you have less of a social life and student life. It restricts your everyday with pleasure, bus and train tickets and activities.
You point out that you cannot buy course literature which is extremely expensive, that you buy less food which leads to less energy which affects your studies.

This is a short summary of the responses we received from you students and we promise that we at the Union will do what we can. So keep an eye out during May!