Between April 20-23, we finally get to celebrate Student Union Malmö’s 20th anniversary properly!

Last year, the Malmö Student Union turned 20 years old, but then the restrictions put an end to the celebration we wanted. Now its time!

Have you been part of the Union’s board or employed with us during these 20 years? Sign up here for a dinner with all the new and old Union people.

Weekly schedule:

  • Wednesday 20 April – Pubquiz with great prices! Take home the win together with your team in the Student Pub.
  • Thursday 21 April – Historical timeline in Kårhuset. Take a tour of our Union House and discover our history along the way.
  • Saturday 23 April – We are having a big party / club night for everyone who wants to! The party is held in the Student Pub at Bassängkajen 8.