Win a gift card

Clarification! The winners of the computers will be selected first. You will not lose the chance of the computers even if you compete for gift cards.

During Coffee with the Union in April, we received many responses from you students about how you experience the financial situation. We understand that many of you are having a hard time due to increased food prices, expensive course literature and having to skip social events which leads to low energy which affects your studies. As the Student Union we are, we felt like doing something for you.

Between May 2nd-21st, we are having the Union’s Giving weeks. During this period, we are giving away a total of ten gift cards worth 500 SEK each. Five of the gift cards are valid at Adlibris to buy course literature and five are valid at Malmö City to buy food, for example. All to make your everyday life a little easier.

All you have to do is write a 2-3 sentence explanation of why you should win one of the gift cards. Send your contribution to at the latest on Sunday, May 21st.

NOTE. Do not forget to write which gift card you want to compete for. Write WHICH in the subject line. You can compete for several, but only win one. Each entry will be sent in separate emails.

Win a computer

Ustwo is giving away two computers in collaboration with Studentkåren Malmö. Enter the draw for an Apple iMac or a MacBook.

Write a 2-3 sentence explanation of why you should win one of the computers. Send your contribution to at the latest on Sunday, May 21st.

NOTE: Write “Apple iMac” or “MacBook” in the subject line of the email for WHICH computer you are competing for. You can compete for both, but only win one. Each contribution is made in separate emails.

Good luck!

The Student Union’s employees and board cannot participate in the competition.