It is time once again to discuss issues related to your education. Twice every semester, the Student Union Malmö invites students, class representatives and course representatives from different programs and courses at each faculty to student councils to interact and talk to each other.

The Local Student Councils is a meeting place to express your opinions about your education and everything around it such as education supervision, learning environment and student support. After each Local Student Council, responses are collected and presented in different meetings with the university and in different engagements.

The Student Union has a responsibility to ensure that students’ voices are highlighted and protected at different levels within Malmö University. This includes representation of students in various management meetings.

More information about the respective student councils for each faculty can be found on the links below:

Local Student Council for KS – 25th of April
Local Student Council for TS – 25th of April
Local Student Council for HS – 27th of April
Local Student Council for LS – 25th of April