We headed out to the faculties to meet as many students as we could, hand out delicious croissants and endless cups of coffee, and above all, find out what you knew about the ongoing Student Union elections.

Usually we bring some questions to the faculties that we are curious to get answers to. Without you students, the Union is nothing and therefore it is extra important to get input from you as much as we can! We want to thank you for all the answers and participation. See you next time in April. Come by then!

Coffee with the Union’s YES and NO question this time was: Do you know about the Student Union’s elections? This is how you answered:

73 percent answered YES, while 27 percent did not know about it. Interesting!

The open questions were as follows:

What kind of elections does the Union hold on March 13-26? 76.5 percent know that it is an election for the Union Council.

How many students is the Union looking for for the Union elections? We are looking for 19 students to form the Union’s new Council. Only 31.8 percent knew that, while the majority believed in 20 at 40.4 percent. But now you know!

How many votes does a student have in the elections? You can vote for a maximum of five students in the elections. That’s 41.9%. 53.8% thought there were six students you could vote for.