The autumn semester is coming to an end

It has been a rocky but exciting autumn semester! After the Union had been understaffed for more than two months, we finally got a full board. Now, all the ombuds represent their respective faculties and the presidium is back to working only with their respective roles. This is so exciting for us as it means that the daily operations run more smoothly, as well as that all the Malmö University (MAU) students can receive the best quality of service from us! Woohoo! 

We entered the autumn with high hopes and had been taking part in a great number of meetings at the university’s central level where we have been representing the students’ rights and voices. This semester only we have managed to secure the efficient use of premises for all the students at Malmö university! Likewise, the Union took part in the university quality dialogue and discussed the importance of blended learning and how to best organize the return to campus for all the students. We in the Union believe that specific conditions for each program need to be considered when tailoring blended learning at the university. We also feel strongly for all the students who have been affected by the lack of study space on campus, as well as the constructions going on in Orkanen. This is why we are in constant contact with the University building department as well as the University Director to ensure that the Union is being consulted when the most efficient use of premises at Malmö university is being investigated. 

The Union has also been tirelessly working with creating new opportunities for the students of Malmö University. As the university has officially joined the European University of Post-Industrial City Alliance (UNIC), many great opportunities are being created. Potential exchanges, research and study collaborations are being discussed. We at the Union, together with the University want to create more mobility and internationalization opportunities for the students. Virtual and physical exchanges and collaboration programs are being developed. UNIC has only opened the door to European higher education, and we are ready to take you there and help you become an active part of this innovative, high quality, and unique learning community. 

The social activities the Union has for the students are also going strong! Insparken has been amazing, and we cannot thank the volunteers enough, as well as the new students for the great vibes! Our associations are once again creating many events. We love seeing all the students in Kølsvinet and in the Student Pub, as well as around campus. You’re even creating new associations and sections!

During the month of December, the Union is organizing an advent calendar with competitions, tips and other fun stuff, so keep an eye out on our Instagram and other social media platforms! One of our sections is even organizing a Christmas market in the Union house! On Lucia we have Glögg med Kåren where we hand out mulled wine and saffron buns and of course, our annual Christmas Dinner (Julbord), where all of our members can buy a ticket for 99 SEK and join us for a wonderful night filled with delicious food and fun!

Next year is a jubilee year for Malmö university, and the Union is ready to join the ride. We are excited to take part in the celebration and are already preparing to make our Insparken bigger and more exciting than ever before! Thank you all for your support and cooperation during the autumn. We are looking forward to continuing the work for all the students at Malmö university in the coming year. 

We at the Union wish you all Happy Holidays and see you in the next semester!

Milena Milosavljevic
President of the Student Union Malmö

Konstantina Klonari
Vice-president of the Student Union Malmö

Diego Annys
Vice-president of the Student Union Malmö