About the award

The Union award is the Student Union Malmö’s way to motivate, inspire and reward the students of Malmö University for increased engagement outside their studies.

This token of appreciation is handed out yearly to members of the Student Union, during a ceremony at the end of the spring semester. A total of 10 000 kr is handed out between individual scholarships worth 2500 kr each and group scholarship (two or more) of 5000 kr. The group award is meant to appreciate a joint approvement work towards the student population. Every recipient is given a diploma with the motivation for their win written and signed by the president of the Union.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the lack of nominations, no group could be appointed. Therefore the award is parted in 4 ways for individual awards.

The award is meant to reward students who through their engagement outside of their studies have in some way contributed to a betterment for our university and its students. The prize itself is meant to be used as the winners see fit.

The awards were handed out during the Union’s “Thank You Sitting” on June 1, where we show our appreciation to the students who are engaged for a better student life at Malmö University at various levels. Certificates were also handed out to representatives and FUM and the first winner ever in the Faculty Cup were crowned; Culture and society. Congratulations and thank you to everyone for your engagement!

Zinnia also accepts the award for the Faculty Cup win as a representative for Culture and Society.

Qualifying criteria: 

  • The student’s engagement has laid­ way for short- or long term improvements for the students of Malmö University. 
  • The student has been involved study-politically either at Malmö University or on national level.
  • The student has been involved within study social activities either inside or outside the University and the Student Union. 
  • The student has been involved outside the university and the academic world. Merit for the award is commitment that has affected students in Malmö and ’Malmö Student City’ in a positive way.

Motivations for the winners of the Union Award 2022:

Amanda Gråberg

Amanda har engagerat sig i sitt programråd sedan första terminen hon började plugga och gör det fortfarande på deras sjätte och sista termin. Hon har varit lyhörd och framfört önskemål från klassen och kämpat för att de ska få bästa möjliga undervisning under rådande omständigheter. Hon driver studentfrågor till sitt program vilket har lett till många tydliga förbättringar för hennes medstudenter. 

Utöver att vara engagerad just inom sitt program är Amanda även ledamot i Studentkårens fullmäktige och har varit det i flera terminer. Där driver hon större frågor som rör alla studenter inom universitetet och har varit engagerad runt SFSFUM. Hon har varit bidragande till studentpopulationen på Malmö universitet, och hon har varit drivande och engagerad trots motgångar och en väldigt annorlunda och ansträngande studietid. Hon lyssnar på alla möjliga tankar och idéer från sina medstudenter och kämpar för deras rättigheter. Hon står för allas lika värde och rätt till en bra utbildning oavsett bakgrund och har en otrolig kämparglöd. 

Baserat på engagemanget som nämnts ovan är vi i kårpriskommittén eniga att Amanda är en värdig mottagare av Kårpriset 2022.  

Amanda has been involved in her program council since the first semester she started studying and still does so in their sixth and final semester. She has been responsive and made requests from the class and fought for them to receive the best possible teaching under the prevailing circumstances. She pushes student issues to her program, which has led to many clear improvements for her fellow students.

In addition to being involved in her program, Amanda is also a member of the Student Union’s council and has been for several semesters. There she runs major issues that concern all students within the university and has been involved around SFSFUM. She has been a contributor to the student population at Malmö University, and she has been driven and committed despite adversity and a very different and strenuous study time. She listens to all sorts of thoughts and ideas from her fellow students and fights for their rights. She stands for everyone’s equal value and the right to a good education regardless of background and has an incredible fighting spirit.

Based on the commitment mentioned above, we in the Union Award Committee agree that Amanda is a worthy recipient of the Union Award 2022.

Evelina Eriksson

Evelina Eriksson har ständigt strävat efter att förbättra livet för studenterna vid Malmö universitet genom att hjälpa dem att känna sig mer inkluderade och välkomna i Studentkåren. Hon var en av nyckelpersonerna som introducerat de nya studenterna för Malmö och universitetet under internationella introduktionsveckan.

Hon har varit en av de mest inflytelserika, viktiga och aktiva studenterna på både Buddy-programmet och som studentambassadör. Hon strävar ständigt efter att förbättra välkomnandet av nya studenter till universitetet, som studentambassadör, eller som på senare tid; en medlem av Kårfullmäktige. Hon hjälper också regelbundet andra kompisar med att förbättra sin egen grupps engagemang.

Hon är full till bredden av idéer för hur man kan göra studentlivet i Malmö bättre och roligare.

Oavsett om det är att vara ett studiehjälpmedel på universitetet, hjälpa människor med inlärningssvårigheter eller funktionsnedsättningar förbättra deras förståelse och deras inlärningsprocess så är Evelina ett stöd i detta. Vi hoppas att detta pris kan kasta lite ljus över det outtröttliga arbete hon gör för detta universitet och dess studentpopulation.

Evelina Eriksson has constantly strived to improve the lives of students at Malmö University by helping them feel more included and welcome in the Student Union. She was one of the key people who introduced the new students to Malmö and the university during the international introduction week.

She has been one of the most influential, important and active students in both the Buddy program and as a student ambassador. She is constantly striving to improve the welcome of new students to the university, as a student ambassador, or as recently; a member of the Union Council. She also regularly helps other friends improve their own group’s engagement.

She is full to the brim with ideas for how to make student life in Malmö better and more fun.

Whether it is to be a study aid at the university, to help people with learning difficulties or disabilities improve their understanding and their learning process, Evelina is a support in this. We hope that this award can shed some light on the tireless work she does for this university and its student population.

Sara Frank

Sara har sedan början av sin utbildning varit programrådsrepresentant där hon fört sina kursares talan. Eftersom stigman kring mental ohälsa är stor och kunskapen om tillgängliga resurser är liten har hon arbetat för tydligare synliggörande av möjligheten till samtalskontakt och stöd via Studenthälsan. Detta har lett till besök från Studenthälsan samt till fortsatta samtal. Utöver hennes ansvar som programrådsrepresentant har hon även varit anställd som övningsledare i ritteknik.

Hon har även varit SI-ledare hela HT-21 och har ordnat så att SI erbjudits även inom andra kurser.

Sara är även mentor via pedagogiskt stöd. Genom egna erfarenheter har hon även kunnat vara till stöd för andra oavsett problematik genom stöttning och tips. Hon har själv efterforskat, utarbetat och testat många olika strategier för studier och ADL vilket hon gärna delar med sig av och har på vis hjälpt och stöttat flera av sina kamrater.

På grund av sin starka studiepolitiska anda och stödet hon är för den stora mängden studenter hon hjälper anser vi verkligen henne vara en driven student.

Sara has since the beginning of her education been a program council representative where she has raised her coursemates’ voices. Since the stigma surrounding mental illness is great and the knowledge of available resources is small, she has worked to make the possibility of conversational contact and support via Student Health more visible. This has led to visits from Student Health and to continued conversations. In addition to her responsibilities as a program council representative, she has also been employed as an exercise leader in drawing techniques.

She has also been SI leader throughout autumn-21 and has arranged for SI to be offered in other courses as well. Sara is also a mentor through pedagogical support. Through her own experiences, she has also been able to be of support to others regardless of problems through support and tips. She herself has researched, developed and tested many different strategies for studies and ADL, which she is happy to share and has in a way helped and supported several of her peers.

Due to her strong study political spirit and the support she has for the large number of students she helps, we certainly consider her to be a driven student.

Zinnia Lautner

Zinnia Lautner är en mycket engagerad och driven student. Hon har varit med i flertalet föreningar, där den mest uppmärksammade är FAMUS, och har sett till att de varit aktiva under pandemin. Hon har visat starka initiativ för att förbättra studentlivet på Malmö universitet genom att bjuda in olika externa organisationer och hjälpa dem att skapa evenemang för studenter.

Tillsammans med sitt starka studiesociala engagemang har hon en mycket aktiv studiepolitisk röst, med att inte bara vara aktiv medlem i FUM  utan även frivillig styrelseledamot i Kårstyrelsen och en del av SFSFUMs delegation.

Hon har kämpat för ökad representation, se till att alla studentröster ska höras på Malmö universitet och kontinuerligt uppmuntrat studenter att engagera sig i Studentkårsverksamhet.

Av de ovan nämnda skälen är Kårpriskommittén mycket övertygad om att utse Zinnia Lautner till en av årets mottagare.

Zinnia Lautner is a very engaged and driven student. She has been part of various associations, with the most noticeable being FAMUS, and has ensured that they remained active during the pandemic. She has shown strong initiatives to improve the student life of Malmö University by inviting various outside organisations and helping them create events for students. 

Along with her strong study social engagement, she has a very active study political voice, with being not only an active member of the Student council but also a voluntary board member in the Union board and a part of the SFSFUM delegation. 

She has fought for increased representation, making sure that all student voices are heard at Malmö University and continuously encouraging students to get engaged in Student Union activities. 

For the above mentioned reasons, the Union award committee is very confident with appointing Zinnia Lautner as one of this year’s recipients.