We went out to the faculties to meet as many students as we could, hand out delicious croissants and endless cups of coffee and, most importantly, hear your thoughts of how we can create stronger connections between the two Malmö university campuses.

Usually we bring some questions to the faculties that we are curious to get answers to. Without you students, the Union is nothing, so it’s extra important to get as much input from you as we possibly can! We would like to thank you for all the responses and participation. Next time we’ll see you at Mulled wine with the Union on the 13th of December for a little Holiday mingle at Orkanen, Niagara and HS at the same time. Come by!

Coffee with the Corps yes/no question this time was: Have you been to the northern/southern campus of Malmö university

This is how you answered:
Yes: 29% No: 71%

The open-ended question was: How can we create stronger connections between the two Malmö university campuses?

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond. Below we have summarised the responses we received. As you can see from our broad student population, the responses and needs are also broad. We at the Union work every day to ensure that all students at Mau have a safe and enjoyable time as students.

  • Communication and activities: more classes and communication ( information awareness about the Southern Campus) 
  • Include it as part of the tour for international students and Insparken (shared events and activities).
  • More lectures assigned to the campus
  • Host events (exhibitions, Open House) Evening timeout like cocktails and dinner)
  • Physical links (building bridges, train links 
  • Give reasons for people to be there ( especially through a formal network like Conferences etc)
  • Digital connection of the two campuses
  • Events that can motivate the student to go there through prizes ( like a treasure hunt)
  • Transportation: Free direct bussline, tramway, scooters, bikes
  • Information: social media
  • Activities
  • Lectures on both places
  • Move buildings together
  • Add buildings between
  • Improve infrastructure in HS