In November, we went out to the faculties to meet you students, hand out delicious croissants and endless cups of coffee and, above all, hear your thoughts on sexual health and the university’s work environment.

We had some questions that we were curious to get answers to.Without you students, the Union is nothing and therefore it is extra important to get input from you as much as we can! We want to thank you for all the answers and participation.

A total of 277 people participated. Well done!

The first question was, Have you had vaginal, anal or oral sex WITHOUT a condom in the last 12 months? 66.1% answered YES and 33.9% answered NO.

The second question was, Have you ever felt pressured or been persuaded by someone to have vaginal, anal or oral sex WITHOUT a condom? 71.5% answered NO, 11.9% that you have been pressured to do so, 8.3% have been persuaded to do so and 8.3% have been both.

The third question was, Are you aware of all the different STDs? (Chlamydia/Genital Herpes/Gonorrhea/HIV/HPV/Syphilis/Trichomoniasis/Hepatitis). As many as 37.2% responded that you were aware of all 48.4% that you knew most of them. It is important that so many of you are aware of these.

The last question was, Do you know where you can get tested? The answer is that you can do it at 1177, Centrum för sexuell hälsa and Studenthälsan.

We also asked how you feel about the university’s work environment. 35.8% answered that you have everything you need. 42.9% that most things are okay. 11.8% that there is a lack of space. 6.7% that it is cold.

Other comments on the work environment are that it is good, but that there are no places for group work as all the group rooms are occupied. It is very loud and often messy. The noise level is high.

This is a short summary of the answers we received from you students and we promise that we at the Union will do what we can.