Now it’s time for Student Union Malmö’s election! Go to and apply between January 24 and February 13!

In the union election, you can run for a spot in the Student Union’s council, or FUM as it is also called. FUM is like the Union’s boss and the Union works as in turn like the students’ working union, you could say. The members of FUM meet 5-6 times a year and discuss and decide on the Student Union’s activities and other student-relevant issues! We are looking for a total of 19 students who want to run for a spot in FUM and the only thing required for you to be able to run is that you are a student at Malmö University and a member of the Student Union.

Try our Election Compass to see what you should candidate for!

Did you know that you can also work full time at the Student Union? Then it is required that you are voted into FUM first and foremost and then you can apply to the board and full-time positions. It has never been more important to have committed students because without students there is no Student Union. Without a Student Union, it is much more difficult for students to influence their study time and make it as good as possible for everyone. Because the truth is that without you we are nothing.

Important dates for all the candidates!