Hi FUM! / Hi Students!

Are you interested in educational politics? Do you want to have the chance to influence on a national level? Do you want to get to know, and be inspired by students from other Student Unions? Do you have a special educational politics issue that you are passionate about? Then SFSFUM is something for you!

The Student Union Malmö is a member in the Swedish National Union of Students (SFS), which is an organization by students, for students! SFS discusses issues that concern the students’ rights and student’s conditions on a national level, and through their member Unions. Now, SFS is inviting us to their yearly Council Meeting in Malmö from the 6-8 of May.

SFS Council Meeting (SFSFUM) is the organizations highest decision making body. There decisions are made about how the organization will work, what goals SFS will work for, and how students’ rights can be protected.

Are you interested? Write to lena.petersson@malmostudenter.se with a motivation letter of maximum half a page, stating why YOU should join us, latest by the 30th of Januari.

Scope of the assignment;

â—Ź      5 pre meetings (about 12 hours) before SFSFUM in February, March and April

â—Ź      Compulsory attendance for at least four preparatory meetings and throughout SFSFUM

â—Ź      Preparatory work before and after the preparatory meetings (about 10 hours)

On Student union council meeting the 9th of February there will be more information and the possibility to ask questions, we welcome all that are interested to attend this meeting.