We went out to the faculties to meet as many students as we could, hand out some tasty croissants and endless cups of coffee and above all to hear what you think is important when studying at Malmö University. Maybe you got a cheesy pick-up line on a small note? The theme this time was Valentine’s Day and Union Election.

Usually we have some questions with us at the faculties that we are curious to get answers to. Without you students, the Union is nothing and therefore it is extra important to get input from you as much as we can! We would like to thank you for all the answers and all the participation. Next time we will meet on March 15-17 at 10-14 at your faculties.
March 15 at Niagara, March 16 at Orkanen & March 17 at HS.

Coffee with the Union’s yes / no question this time was: Are you running in the Union election?

This is how you answered:
Yes: 10 No: 83

The open question was: Why / Why not?

We want to thank everyone who took the time and responded. Below we have summarized the answers we received. Do not forget to vote in the Union Election between 7-20 March. All students at MaU have the right to vote, personal links are sent out at the beginning of the election. You can easily see all candidates on val.malmostudenter.se then as well.