Apply for the Union’s Literature Scholarship

At the beginning of the semester, it is often many new textbooks that need to be purchased and it is putting a strain on an already thin student wallet. You now have opportunity to apply for the Student Union literature scholarship in the form of a voucher of 500 SEK awarded to three members at the beginning of the semester.

How to apply:

Send a short text of why you should win to before September 29. Your text may not exceed 100 words in length, otherwise the application will be disqualified. Be sure to include your name when you email. Mark the email “literature scholarship”.  The winner will be contacted personally by the Student Union Malmö, and then presented with his/her motivation on the Student Union website.


  • Only members of the Student Union Malmo may receive the scholarship.
  • The scholarship will be paid out in the form of a voucher of 500 SEK to use for textbooks.
  • The same member may only receive the scholarship once per operational year.
  • The winner is selected by the Student Union Malmö and the decision can not be appealed.