Konstantina Klonari – Technology and society (TS)

Address: Niagara, first floor, room: NI:B0E02
E-mail: ombudts@malmostudenter.se
Phone: (+46) 70 757 75 67

Konstantina Klonari – Culture and society (KS)

Address: Niagara,first floor, room: NI:B0E02
E-mail: ombudks@malmostudenter.se
Phone: (+46) 70 757 75 67

Jonah Merkel – Health and society (HS)

Address: Malmö Hospital area, Jan Waldenströms gata 25, first floor, room: U112
E-mail: ombudhs@malmostudenter.se
Telefon: (+46) 70 757 75 63

Jonah Merkel – Education and society (LS)

Address: Orkanen, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, Floor 5, Room: B530
: ombudls@malmostudenter.se
Telefon: (+46) 70 757 75 68

The student ombud are employed by the Student Union Malmö.

What can the student ombud do for me?

The student ombuds are the ones who handle various student errands and can help you if you have a problem with something related to your studies. Among other things, they can help you with educational and non-study related issues.

Do you need help? Contact the student ombudsman representing your faculty.

Where do I find the student ombuds?

You can find the student representatives at their offices in the respective faculties and sometimes at the Student Union office at Nordenskiöldsgatan 4.